Zoom Meeting, Mo 19.8. zur 64Bit Zukunft

Moderator: Patrick

RISCOS Experte
Beiträge: 465
Registriert: 12 Apr 2005, 19:36

Zoom Meeting, Mo 19.8. zur 64Bit Zukunft

Beitrag von naitsabes »

Heute Abend (Mo 19.8. ab 19:30) gibt es ein online verfügbares Treffen, worin über die 64 Bit Zukunft von RISCOS gesprochen wird. Erst ein wenig Vortrag und danach dann eine Diskussion, wo auch Ideen gesammelt werden sollen, was denn ginge, um mit den neuen ARM Chips weiter mitspielen zu können.

Veranstaltet von der User Group of London, der Vortragende ist gerph von http://gerph.org/ , Justin Fletcher.

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The next meeting of the RISC OS User Group Of London will be:

Let's talk about 64bit
Presented by Gerph

Monday 19th August 2024, 7:45pm

The Duke of Sussex ...

Also online via Zoom, meeting open from 7.30pm


Recent versions of ARM processors cannot run RISC OS as they no longer
have 32 bit mode. This has been seen coming for a long time, and people
have talked about what it means for RISC OS. In this presentation, Gerph
will lend his two-penneth to the discussion, and explain and discuss some
of the issues involved.

Gerph will go through some of the differences that AArch64 has from the 32
bit architecture that we know, the issues that they cause, and some of the
ways that they can be addressed. Although doing this as a presentation,
Gerph encourages participation in the discussion and for other clever
people to lend their thoughts.


Or contact us to receive the Zoom link to the meeting:

naitsabes (19.08.24, 13:49.15)
Beiträge: 616
Registriert: 01 Mär 2005, 21:54
Wohnort: Frankfurt

Re: Zoom Meeting, Mo 19.8. zur 64Bit Zukunft

Beitrag von Patrick »

Und? War das interessant? Hab deinen Beitrag hier leider zu spät entdeckt!